The Association for independent Evangelical and Pentecostal churches and related joint undertakings, as well as for pastors, missionaries, and leaders (below designated leaders)




Mosaik is a network of leaders, churches and joint undertakings.


The background of the Association is rooted in the Danish Pentecostal churches. The Association  reflects the desire:

  • To Provide the network of historical Pentecostal churches with Articles of Association
  • To Welcome new churches, that historically have not been part of the Pentecostal churches, into the network
  • To Merge the network of churches with the network of leaders previously known as ‘Frikirkeleder’



The name of the Association is Mosaik.

The domicile of the Association is Mariager Højskole, Hjulhusvej 12B, DK-9550 Mariager


Section 2 – OBJECTIVES

The objective of the Association is to bring together Evangelical, Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, their joint undertakings throughout Denmark, and their leaders for the following objectives:


  • To support the establishment and growth of dynamic Christian churches and institutions in Denmark and other countries, resulting in raising up followers of Jesus.
  • To provide support and care for leaders; develop binding relationships as well as nurturing new leaders.
  • To provide a framework for prevention of conflict and restorative support to relevant churches and leaders.
  • To establish an association recognised as a trustworthy voice of the free church in Denmark.

The Association shall function on the basis of more specifically defined articles of faith, ethical guidelines, and values. Changes in these may be implemented after approval by a General Meeting upon recommendation from the Board of Directors.






Section 3 – MEMBERSHIP


Member churches and joint undertakings


Churches including joint undertakings can be admitted as members of Mosaik if they adopt the articles of faith, values and objectives of MOSAIK and will participate actively in the community of Mosaik.


The definition of joint undertakings can be found in the rules and procedure’s for the Board of Directors.


In addition, the Board of Directors may recommend other institutions and organisations than those mentioned above as non voting members.

Admission of such members shall be approved by a General Meeting, see section 5, item 8.


Member churches will have external advisors identified and shall meet with these at least once a year.



Admission of new member churches including joint undertakings shall be presented for approval at the annual General Meeting.


If a new church has emerged because of a division or a split in another church, admission of the new church cannot take place earlier than two years after the breach.


If a church or a joint undertaking does not meet the conditions for membership or if its actions are detrimental to the Association, the Board of Directors may suspend the church or joint undertaking for subsequent exclusion from the Association. The decision to exclude will be taken at the Annual General Meeting.


Any church and joint undertaking may at any time withdraw from the Association

with effect from the beginning of the following year.


If a church ceases to exist as an independent community providing religious service, its membership of the Association shall automatically cease. If a joint undertaking no longer operates within the framework of its stated objectives or changes its activities to an objective no longer in conformity with the objectives of Mosaik, the joint undertaking shall immediately be withdrawn from the Association.



The Leadership Network

Pastors, missionaries, and leaders working in a local free church or in the joint undertakings of a free church can become members of the Leadership Network provided they:

  • Receive backing from the leadership of the local church or from the joint undertakings to become members of The Leadership Network.
  • Have a personal mentor.


A member of The Leadership Network should meet with his/her mentor at least twice a year. The specific mentor shall be approved by the leadership of either the local church or the joint undertaking.

  • The member shall accept the Association’s Articles of Association, ethical guidelines, articles of faith and values.
  • The member shall follow the guidance of the Board of Directors in case of complaints.


If a member does not follow guidance of the Board of Directors in the case of a valid written complaint or in any other way acts in a way detrimental to the community/ association, the member may be suspended by the Board of Directors. Final decisions will be taken about exclusion at the next General Meeting.

  • Members may keep their membership of Mosaik for up to 5 years after ending active ministry.
  • A member relieved of duties for a certain period, may keep his/her membership for up to 5 years.
  • Members may resign from The Leadership Network at any time.
  • A member may, upon request, receive an Accreditation Certificate from the Board of Directors.



The Association is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of (5-7) five to seven persons who are elected for a three year period.  Those standing for election must be members of The Leadership Network serving in a member church or a joint undertaking.


The Board of Directors is elected pursuant to the following procedure:

  1. The new Chairman is to be proposed for election at the Annual General Meeting by the incumbent Board of Directors. Members may submit proposals for a new Chairman no later than 3 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. Candidates may only be proposed if they have declared themselves willing to receive election.
  2. The Chairman shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The new Chairman shall select the other Board Members who will be proposed for election at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
  4. The members of the new Board of Directors shall be approved one by one at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Re-election is permitted.


In order to form a quorum, the Board of Directors shall be summoned with a notice of no less than 14 days, and at least half of the Board Members shall be present.


The Board of Directors decisions will be by a simple majority. In case of deadlock the chairman will have the casting vote.


Board Meetings shall take place as and when required.


The Board of Directors shall elect three Board Members who shall be authorised to sign for the Association.


The Association’s documents shall always be signed by a minimum of two authorised signatories.



The Annual General Meeting is the supreme authority of the Association.


An Ordinary General Meeting shall be held once a year and before 01 August.


The Annual General Meeting shall be summoned with a notice of four weeks by means of a letter with agenda attached to each member of the Association.


Topics to be entered on the Agenda at the Annual General Meeting and proposals for election of Chairman, see section 4, shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors no later than 3 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.


Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes among the representatives of churches and joint undertakings present.


Member churches with up to 99 members each have one vote. Member churches with 100 members or more each have two votes. Joint undertakings each have one vote. The distribution of votes reflects the corresponding subscription categories.


Voting by proxy is not possible.


A record shall be kept of the decisions made at the Annual General Meeting, and a transcript shall be circulated to the members no later than four weeks after the Annual General Meeting for approval by the members.


The agenda of the General Meeting is as follows:

  1. Election of chairperson
  2. Report from the Board of Directors
  3. Election of Board Members
  4. News from the joint undertakings
  5. Approval of annual accounts
  6. Decision on subscription of the coming year
  7. Election of Auditor
  8. Status of member churches, joint undertakings and members of The Leadership Network. This will include approval of admission and exclusion of member churches and joint undertakings plus other institutions and organisations, see section 3, after recommendation from the Board of Directors
  9. Proposals received
  10. Any other business



An Extraordinary General Meeting may be summoned by the Board of Directors according to needs and must be summoned if at least 1/3 of the members, based on voting rights,  demand this for a specific reason. The General Meeting shall be convened no later than 6 weeks after the Board of Directors receiving a request to that effect.




Member churches and joint undertakings

If, according to assessment of the Board of Directors, a member church or a joint undertaking is detrimental to the Association or is inconsistent with the Articles of Association, articles of faith, values and objectives, the Board may request a meeting with the leadership of the member church and its external advisors, or joint undertaking and its Board of Directors, in order to reach an understanding.


If an understanding is not reached, the Board may suspend the membership of the church or the joint undertaking and propose to the Annual  General Meeting that the church or joint undertaking respectively be excluded from the Association.


Members of the Leadership Network

The Association shall accept only written complaints signed by at least two persons exerting absolute confidentiality. A copy of the complaint shall be sent to the member against whom the complaint was raised. The Board shall include the mentor of the member in this process.


The Board shall, in collaboration with the mentor of the leader, try to help a leader in breach of the ethical guidelines in order to begin a process of restoration.


If an understanding cannot be achieved, the Board may suspend the leader and propose to the Annual General Meeting that the leader be excluded from the Association.


Section  7 – OPERATION

The member churches and joint undertakings of the Association and members of The Leadership Network shall pay an annual subscription to be decided by the Annual General Meeting in accordance with proposal from the Board of Directors.


Section 8 – RECORDS

The elected Secretary shall keep records of the decisions adopted by the Board Meeting.


The records shall be signed and approved at the subsequent Board Meeting. The approved records shall be signed by at least two Board Members present.


A confirmed transcript of records shall constitute valid and full legal proof of the issue.


Three members of the Board of Directors acting together shall be entitled to bind the Association.


Section  9 – ACCOUNTS

The fiscal year of the Association runs from 1 January to 31 December.


The Board shall appoint a Treasurer to be in charge of the accounts of the Association. The Treasurer shall be in charge of bookkeeping and preparation of financial overviews as needed.


The Board may decide that a budget shall be prepared for the coming financial year.


Section 10 – AUDITING

The Annual General Meeting shall elect an Auditor every year.


Every year before 30 April the Board shall see to preparation of the Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheet to be provided with the report of the Association’s Auditor pursuant to ordinary rules to that effect.


The accounts shall be presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting.



Section 11 – LIABILITIES

The general rules of liability pursuant to Danish law shall apply to the Board Members. However, they shall not be personally liable for the Association’s obligations. No Board Member has any title to the Association’s assets, and the Association’s assets may not serve as coverage for private debts.

The assets of the Association belong to the Association as a legal entity and may consequently be used to cover the Association’s liabilities only.




Amendments to these Articles of Association may, on recommendation of the Board, be adopted only when being passed by at least 2/3 of the votes at the General Meeting at two consecutive General Meetings.


Section 13 – DISSOLUTION

A decision on dissolution of Mosaik or merging with another organisation may, on recommendation of the Board, be adopted only when being passed by at least 2/3 of the votes of the General Meeting at two consecutive General Meetings.


In case of dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association shall be distributed to other related work in Denmark with similar objectives as Mosaik.


These Articles of Association replace the Articles of Association approved at the General Meeting of the Association on 15 July 2008 at Mariager Højskole, Hjulhusvej 12B, DK-9550 Mariager.


Approved at the General Meeting of the Association on 16 July 2013 at Mariager Højskole, Hjulhusvej 12B, DK-9550 Mariager.


Revised and approved at the General Meeting of the Association on 11 July 2016 at Mariager Højskole, Hjulhusvej 12B, DK-9550 Mariager.


Change of name approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting  the 15 September 2017 in Vingsted Konferencecenter